Over the last ten years, some of the largest logistics operators in Brazil have been
implementing the arMHAzena® platform in their operations. This differs from the result of chance since the service provision area, which includes logistical operations, is one area that has grown and improved the most in the Brazilian market. Many companies have been outsourcing their operations, and new investors increasingly adhere to the modality of acquisition and investment in companies providing logistics services. In this context, arMHAzena® is the ideal tool, as it controls not only the entire warehouse management, adding all the contract and billing rules for the services provided, but also the entire extension of the supply chain, being able to manage all the logistics of collection, delivery, and transport, as well as the services provided within the
operation, and their charges.



The arMHAzena® platform stands out in logistics operations for its technology and scope at all levels of management. It can easily be replicated for managing new distribution centers and adhering to new contracts with minimal investment. Being able to be replicated as a plant and adhering to different levels of contracts and billing requirements, arMHAzena® has the most robust platform to operate numerous plants in several remote locations with completely different configurations, using only a single database structure and server, keeping the data center investment at a low operating cost for a large scale of end customer service.


Update your company’s inventory management technology and maximize all the benefits MHA can bring to your business. Contact MHA today, and learn more about the arMHAzena® platform.

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