Customers and Partners

Customers and Partners

MHA highly values ​​long-term partnerships with its customers, and out of respect for them, it maintains an ethical rule not to carry out sales marketing, not to print logos or even the names of its partners and customers on the website. In this way, we preserve the companies that trust the services provided by MHA.

We operate in four countries in the Americas and have large clients inside and outside Brazil, both national and multinational companies. The reference of services provided by MHA and the solutions implemented in these clients’ companies are exclusive to the established partnership.

We ask for your understanding of our policy of not disclosing our partners and customers on this website. If you want to know a little more about the history of our clients and cases, an NDA, Non Disclosure Agreement, that is, a non-disclosure agreement, which can be signed and information pertinent to our cases and projects, can be presented.

MHA service:

+ de 0
active clients
+ of 0 Million m²
Managed by
arMHAzena platform
Performance Verticals
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