MHA supports ACER

Associação de Apoio à Criança em Risco

The Associação de Apoio à Criança em Risco (ACER) is a Public Utility and non-profit entity located in the municipality of Diadema, São Paulo, which has been operating since 1993 in defense of the rights of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability.

We currently involve around 500 children and young people in our artistic, cultural, and social activities, carrying out preventive actions that aim to avoid evasion to the streets and building concrete life alternatives for these citizens of the future. All activities developed by ACER are made available to the community free of charge.

ACER’s mission is “Rescuing the dignity of children and young people by promoting the transformation of the social environment”
Contact the MHA, and donate to this entity that so badly needs everyone’s help to continue recovering young people and children.

Telephones: (+55 11) 4049-6642 / (+55 11) 4049-6642 / (+55 11) 4049-6684 – Make your donation and help a child to have a better future.

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